🍎 英語


🍎 英語


CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)は、言語能力を測るための基準のことです。これは、言語の勉強や評価のために、ヨーロッパで使われています。




レベル 説明
A1 初級者 A1は、言語の「初心者」レベルです。基本的な日常会話やシンプルな質問・答えができます。たとえば、「こんにちは」「ありがとう」といった基本的な挨拶や、自己紹介ができます。
A2 基礎 A2は、日常的なコミュニケーションができるレベルです。簡単な会話やショッピング、旅行、家族や趣味について話すことができます。たとえば、簡単な質問に答えたり、短い文章を書いたりできます。
B1 中級 B1は、もう少し高度なレベルで、さまざまなトピックについて会話や文章を理解できます。学校や仕事、趣味など、多くのテーマについて話すことができます。また、簡単な文章を書いたり、自分の意見を述べたりできます。
B2 中上級 B2は、かなり高いレベルで、複雑な文章やアイデアを理解し、議論に参加できます。自分の考えを詳しく説明したり、他の人の意見に反対したり、理由を述べたりできます。
C1 上級 C1は、非常に高いレベルで、ほとんどのテーマについて深く議論し、高度な文章を理解できます。さまざまな種類のテキストや文章を読み、書き、話すことができます。
C2 流暢 C2は、言語のネイティブスピーカーと同じくらい高いレベルです。ほとんどのテーマについて深く議論し、高度な文章を自在に読み書きできます。


C2 8.5〜9.0
C1 1級 940点以上 7.0〜8.0
B2 準1級 780点以上 5.5〜6.5
B1 2級 550点以上 4.0〜5.0
A2 準2級 230点以上 3.0
A1 3〜5級 120点以上 2.0


A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Hello Family Friend Restaurant Environment Sophistication
Goodbye House Travel Shopping Sustainability Proficiency
Please School Eat Transportation Innovation Complexity
Thank you Book Drink Entertainment Globalization Globalization
One Chair Work Adventure Economy Multiculturalism
Two Table Study Experience Politics Entrepreneurship
Red Happy Weekend Communication Education Diplomacy
Blue Sad Holiday Technology Leadership Technology
Green Small Weather Culture Science Sustainability
Cat Big Hobby Nature Literature Environment

A1レベル 中学卒業・英検3級の英語力




One day, John left his house and went to school. There, he met a new friend named Lisa. Lisa was very kind and greeted John, "Hello, John! My name is Lisa. Are you a new student?" John was nervous but smiled and replied to Lisa, "Yes, I'm a new student. Nice to meet you."

Lisa introduced John to their classmates. John learned many things in class – English, math, and even drawing. He had a lot of fun.

During lunchtime, John and Lisa ate lunch together. John had brought a packed lunch. Lisa was surprised when she saw it and said, "That looks delicious! My mom always makes me a packed lunch too." John smiled and replied, "Thank you, Lisa! This is my favorite sandwich."

When lunchtime ended, John said goodbye to Lisa. "Thank you for today, Lisa! I'm glad to have made a new friend. See you tomorrow!" Lisa smiled back, "Yes, John! See you tomorrow. Have a great day!"

John thought it was a fun day meeting Lisa. He looked forward to spending more time with his new friends at his new school.





A2レベル 高校卒業・英検準2級の英語力




Sara is a high school student. One day, she decided to visit her friend Tom, who lives in a nearby town. Sara checked the bus schedule online and found out that the next bus to Tom's town was leaving in 30 minutes.

Sara quickly packed her bag with some snacks and a book, and then she headed to the bus stop. She bought a ticket from the machine and waited for the bus to arrive.

When the bus arrived, Sara got on and found a seat by the window. She looked out and enjoyed the view as the bus traveled through the countryside. Along the way, Sara saw green fields, tall trees, and a beautiful river.

After about an hour, the bus arrived at Tom's town. Sara got off the bus and walked to Tom's house using the directions he had given her. When she arrived, Tom was waiting for her with a big smile.

"Hey Sara! I'm so glad you came to visit," Tom said, giving her a hug. "I made some cookies for us. Let's go inside and have some snacks."

Sara and Tom spent the afternoon chatting, laughing, and enjoying the cookies. They talked about school, their hobbies, and their plans for the summer. Before Sara knew it, it was time to catch the bus back home.

Tom walked Sara to the bus stop and they said goodbye. "Thanks for coming, Sara. Let's hang out again soon!" Tom said, waving as Sara boarded the bus.

As the bus drove away, Sara smiled and thought about the fun day she had with her friend Tom. She was grateful for their friendship and looked forward to their next adventure together.








B1レベル 英検2級の英語力




Sophie is a college student. She decided to go on a trip to a seaside town with her friends during the summer break. They drove to the town together in a car.

Upon arriving at the seaside town, they were amazed by the beautiful coastline. They had a great time swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the sandy beach.

One day, they enjoyed delicious local food at a restaurant. They savored fresh seafood and got a taste of the local culture.

In the evenings, they listened to music and mingled with locals at a club in the town center. Sophie made many new friends and had a lot of fun making summer memories.

A few days later, Sophie and her friends started their journey back home. They learned a lot and gained new experiences during this trip. They promised to come back to the same place next year.





B2レベル 英検準1級の英語力




Emma was a university student majoring in environmental science. She was passionate about protecting the environment and wanted to make a difference in the world. One summer, she volunteered for a conservation project in a remote forest.

During her time in the forest, Emma worked alongside other volunteers to plant trees, monitor wildlife, and collect data on environmental conditions. She learned about the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving natural habitats.

One day, while hiking through the forest, Emma discovered an illegal logging operation. She knew she had to take action to stop the destruction of the trees. She alerted the authorities and provided them with evidence of the illegal activity.

With the help of the authorities, Emma and the other volunteers were able to shut down the logging operation and protect the forest from further damage. Emma felt proud of her efforts to protect the environment and was inspired to continue her work in conservation.

As she left the forest at the end of the summer, Emma reflected on her experience. She knew that even small actions could have a big impact on the environment, and she was determined to do everything she could to protect the planet for future generations.





C1レベル 英検1級の英語力




Lucas, a young architect, was fascinated by ancient structures and their intricate designs. He dreamt of exploring historical sites around the world to unravel their mysteries.

One summer, Lucas embarked on a journey to visit ancient ruins in Egypt, Greece, and Peru. In Egypt, he marveled at the towering pyramids of Giza, imagining the skilled craftsmanship that went into building these monumental structures.

Next, he traveled to Greece, where he wandered through the ruins of the Acropolis in Athens. Standing amidst the remnants of temples and theaters, Lucas was transported back in time, envisioning the vibrant cultural life of ancient Greek society.

His final destination was Peru, where he ventured into the heart of the Andes to discover the enigmatic ruins of Machu Picchu. As he explored the terraced hillsides and stone structures of the Inca citadel, Lucas felt a profound sense of awe and wonder.

Throughout his journey, Lucas documented his discoveries and sketched intricate drawings of the architectural wonders he encountered. Inspired by the ancient artisans, he returned home with a newfound appreciation for the artistry and ingenuity of ancient civilizations.

Back in his studio, Lucas poured his passion into designing modern structures that echoed the beauty and grandeur of the ancient ruins he had explored. With each project, he paid homage to the timeless legacy of the past while shaping the future of architecture.







C2レベル ネイティブレベルの英語力




In the heart of London, a bustling city known for its rich history and diverse culture, lived a young woman named Emily. Emily was a passionate journalist who dedicated her life to uncovering the truth and shedding light on important issues.

One day, while walking through the bustling streets of London, Emily stumbled upon an old, abandoned bookstore tucked away in a quiet corner. Curiosity piqued, she decided to venture inside and explore its dusty shelves.

As Emily perused the books, she discovered a hidden journal buried beneath a pile of old manuscripts. Intrigued, she opened it and began to read the faded pages. To her surprise, the journal belonged to a famous author who had disappeared mysteriously decades ago.

Determined to unravel the mystery, Emily embarked on a thrilling adventure that took her across the globe. From the cobblestone streets of Paris to the ancient ruins of Rome, Emily followed the clues left behind by the missing author, piecing together fragments of a puzzle that spanned generations.

Along the way, Emily encountered danger and deception, but she remained steadfast in her quest for the truth. With each new discovery, she grew closer to uncovering the author's fate and unraveling the secrets hidden within the pages of the journal.

Finally, after months of relentless pursuit, Emily found herself standing on the shores of a remote island in the Caribbean, where the missing author had disappeared all those years ago. With the help of local villagers, she unearthed the truth behind the author's disappearance and uncovered a long-buried secret that would change literary history forever.

As Emily returned home to London, she reflected on her journey with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Though the adventure had come to an end, she knew that the stories she had uncovered would live on, inspiring others to seek truth and adventure in their own lives.









